Synagogue in Baja

The synagogue, designed by the Christian architect Lajos Frey, is a magnificent Neo-Classicist building erected in 1842-45. Its western (entrance) and northern (street) façades are decorated by Corinthian porticos. The interior is spanned with sail vaults and was richly painted, probably in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. In 1980 the building was converted into a library, but its interior was almost completely preserved.

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Source: European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative (ESJF)

Zmajevac Jewish Cemetery

Jewish settlers first came to Zmajevac in the 18th century and the synagogue and cemetery were at the same time. The oldest tombstone in the cemetery dates to 1886 and the newest to 1941. The Jewish community ceased to exist in 1914 after the beginning of World War I. The synagogue was sold in 1950.

One of the most famous residents of the village was a Jewish woman named Otti Berger (1898-1944). She was a famous Croatian Bauhaus designer from Zmajevac (Vörösmart).