Vilnes Church

The church of Vilnes is a wooden church dating from 1674. The church was restored in the 1950s when the roof and walls were insulated and light and heat were installed. The 17th-century church replaced a pre-1320 church that had burnt down in 1673.

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Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

Askvoll Church

Askvoll church is a long church from 1863. The architect of the church was the artist Anders Askevold. He also painted the altarpiece depicting Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The altarpiece was originally painted for the previous church and was saved during the fire of 1862.

Holmedal Church

The Holmedal church began to be built in 1868 and imitates the style of the stave churches. This church is the third on the site, being preceded by a 17th-century church, itself replacing a 14th-century church. The oldest bell of the present church probably comes from this first medieval church.

Øn Church

Øn church is a long church from 1958, the fourth known in the former parish of Øn, and it replaced a wooden church from 1880 which burnt down after a lightning strike on 4 November 1940. The first time a church in Øn is mentioned in written sources is in 1327.