Kvinnherad kyrkje

Kvinnherad Church is a whitewashed brick church dating from the mid 13th century. The church has a rectangular nave with an almost square base in the west and a narrower, lower rectangular chancel in the east. The church was probably the main church in Sunnhordland in the Middle Ages, but when Rosendal became a barony in 1678, it became a private church for the baron. The church remained in the ownership of the barony until 1910. The burial chapel to the north of the choir was built for the Rosenkrantz family in the 1670s. In 1913 a vestry was built next to the burial chamber.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit https://kirkesok.no/kirke/122400201

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments
  • Links to national heritage

Visitors information

  • Car park at the building

Other nearby buildings

Hatlestrand Church

The Hatlestrand Church is a wooden church built in 1885 by the architect von der Lippe. The pulpit, the baptismal font and the bells are original. The organ was added in 1915.

Uskedal Church

The Uskedal church is a building from 1914, designed by Olaf Nordhagen. In 1964-65 the church was rebuilt according to Ole Halvorsen's plans. The church cemetery is older than the church. It was used in 1897 and had a bell tower.

Varaldsøy Church

Varaldsøy Church is a wooden church that was built in 1885. The church has a long plan and was designed by architects Conrad Fredrik von der Lippe and Hans Heinrich Jess.