Sankt Karl Kirche

In 1934, the building designed by architect Fritz Metzger was inaugurated as the first concrete church in Central Switzerland. The St. Karl Kirche is thus considered the first work of modern church architecture in Lucerne. The parish itself was founded in 1922 and first met in an emergency church on Spitalstrasse. This was used as a parish hall after the inauguration of the church until it was replaced by today's parish center in 1976.

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Franciscan Church

The Franciscan Church - one of the few original Gothic churches of Central Switzerland - is one of the oldest churches in the City of Lucerne. It was built from 1270 onwards and in several stages, with its core preserved to this day. This means that its medieval-Gothic room character is still visible and palpable even today. Its interior however has been subject to major changes: The plain wooden ceiling for instance was removed during the Baroque Period, replaced by one made from plaster and decorated with ceiling frescos. Over several centuries, the church served as a minster for the mendicants of the Order of St. Francis. It also served as a venue for services and meetings for the town population. Today it is the parish church of the St. Mary parish for Franciscans.


The Jesuit church, built from 1666 to 1677, was the first large baroque church in Switzerland. Both towers were added later in 1893 by the architect Heinrich Viktor von Segesser. The church was renovated in the 1950s and more widely in the 1970s. The most recent renovation was completed in January 2017.

Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded in the USA in 1863. It emerged from a grouping of the second of three large supradenominational Protestant revival movements with over 100,000 followers in the USA (Second Great Awakening 1800-1840). The first official Advent congregation in Switzerland was founded in Basel in 1883. Precursor municipalities have existed in the Jura Arch since 1867, including in Tramelan/BE.