St Nicholas Church ruins

St Nicholas Church was part of a Dominican Abbey established in Visby in the 13th century. It is possible that the church was even older than the abbey. Today, the church is one of the many ruins that can be visited in Visby.

About this building

The church was built in the 13th century in honor of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of sailors and merchants. After a fire consumed part of the structure, the Dominican monks took over the reconstruction of the church. The church and Dominican convent were attacked and burned by Lübeckers in 1525. After this the church was never rebuilt again.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

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St Clemens Church ruins

St. Clement's Church was built in the 13th century on a site that had been a place of worship since the 11th century. It was one of Visby's oldest and largest churches. The site, today in ruins, shares the features of other medieval churches of Gotland.

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Visby Cathedral

The Visby cathedral was originally built as a catholic cathedral in the late 12th century. It was built for German traders that frequented Visby and financed by the tax that they were required to pay. Today, it is the only medieval church still in use in Visby, the rest being preserved as ruins. After the Reformation, the church was made the seat of the diocese of Visby under the Church of Sweden.
