Nyirkata Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish cemetery of Nyírkáta was established as early as 1858, since the oldest tombstone found in this cemetery dates to that year. The latest tombstone was erected in 1941. The cemetery used to be divided into two separate sections, but they have since been merged and are now enclosed with one fence.

About this building

For more information on this site visit: https://www.esjf-cemeteries.org/fenced/nyirkata-jewish-cemetery-2/

Other nearby buildings

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Evangelical Church, Nyíregyháza

The Evangelical Church was built from 1784 to 1786, but the congregation worked on its expansion until 1936, when it acquired its final appearance. In 1796 a tower was built, which was raised in 1825. Between 1850 and 1860, the facades were decorated in a classical and neo-baroque style, then in 1885-6 in an eclectic style.