Ramygala Church of St. John the Baptist

Ramygala is mentioned in historical sources as early as the 13th century. The Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander in 1501. In a written letter, he instructed the Bishop of Vilnius Vaitiekas Albert Taboras 1 to supervise the parish of Ramygala. Research by Kazys Misius and Romualdas Sinkunas states that the first church in Ramygala was built between 1431 and 1500, the exact date is unknown, but it is known that in 1500. the altarist (priest) of the church in Ramygala has already been mentioned. By the agreement of historians and locals, the date of the establishment of the parish is considered to be 1431. It is known that already in the 15th century. At the end of the 19th century, Ramygala parish was one of the largest in Aukstaitija. This is evidenced by the 1503 Deed of the donation of Duke Alexander, by which the pastor of Ramygala was instructed to take care of the chapel with the rights of a branch (sister parish) for the locals and to ensure their religious service 28 km from Ramygala, on the bank of the NeveSis River. This was the founding of the city of Panevezys.

About this building

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Panevezio vyskupijos kurija

Founded in 1926. Panevezys diocese, which did not have the necessary premises, therefore in the same year the diocese purchased two houses in SodS str. 1. In one settled the curia, settled the bishop, general vicar, chancellor, in the other settled the pastoral services of the diocese.

Panevezys Cathedral

After 1863. rebel Russian tsar closed churches, prevented the construction of new ones. 1904 with great efforts, a permit was obtained to build a church in the southwestern part of Panevezys city. A committee was set up to raise funds, farmers gave land, and construction began on St. Martin's Church. Stanislaus Church. In 1908, under the direction of St. To the canon of Peter and Paul Church, M. Chodoravicius, the foundations of the sanctuary were laid. These constructions were hampered by the outbreak of the Russian-Japanese War, the death of the canon, and the First World War. In the present house of priests (Katedros a. 7) there was a temporary chapel.

Panevezys St. Peter and Paul Church

1507 The first Panevezys church was built on the right bank of the NeveSis, and a branch of the Panevezys Old Town, belonging to the parish of Ramygala, was established. The church was small, wooden, covered with boards, with a tower and 3 bells, had 3 altars. Near the church there is a rectory and outbuildings, a tavern, a sauna and a brewery. 1528 It was decided to establish a parish school in 1775. (Did not work in 1789)