Reksteren Church
Reksteren church is a long church completed in 1937 in Tysnes. The architect of the church is T. Alvsaker.
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Reksteren church is a long church completed in 1937 in Tysnes. The architect of the church is T. Alvsaker.
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Uggdal church is a wooden church that was built in 1876. The church has a long plan and was designed by architect Ole Vangberg.
Tysnes Church was built in 1868 on Tysnes Farm, where there had been a church since the Middle Ages. However, the site of the church was considered off-centre, and in 1906 the church was dismantled and moved to Gjerstad farm on the other side of Gjervikvåggen. Georg Bull's drawings were lost, and new ones were prepared by Hartvig Sverdrup Eckhoff.
Bekkjarvik church is a wooden church built in 1895. The architect of the church was J.Sandnæs.