Saint-Quentin Basilica

Building linked to the history of devotion to Saint Quentin, whose relics it contains were the object of an important cult in the Middle Ages. Its construction is contemporary with that of Notre-Dame de Paris and Soissons Cathedral.

About this building

The second largest Gothic building in Picardy, the basilica was built from the end of the 12th to the end of the 15th century, on the burial place of the martyr Quentin. Its originality lies in a tower-porch on the façade, an elevation of 34m50, a double transept plan, a radiocentric choir, an ancient labyrinth of 260 metres inscribed in the paving of the nave, stained glass windows from different periods.

Visitors information

  • Level access to the main areas
  • Parking within 250m

Other nearby buildings

Church of Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul, Guise

The church of Saint-Pierre Saint-Paul de Guise was almost completely rebuilt in 1535. It underwent numerous modifications during the wars of the 16th century and during the 17th and 18th centuries.

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Church of Notre-Dame de l’Assomption de Lavaqueresse

The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption Lavaqueresse, in the department of Aisne, dates from the seventeenth century. Built during a time of a succession of wars, it is a fortified church that could house the surrounding population in times of need. In the choir, we can admire vaults dating from the sixteenth century: they are decorated with floral and royal motifs, which were painted in 1899.