Sandane Church

The Sandane church, formerly called Mona arbeidskirke, is a modern church designed by Helge Hjertholm in 1997 in the municipality of Gloppen.

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Gimmestad Church

The Gimmestad church is a long church dating from 1910. The building was designed by the architect Niels Stockfleth Darre Eckhoff. The church does not have an altarpiece but is decorated with a copy of Bertel Thorvaldsen's Christ from Copenhagen Cathedral. This copy was made in 1912.

Gimmestad gamle kyrkje

The old Gimmestad church, built in 1692, is a long church with a porch on the west side. Above the western part of the nave is a turret. The exterior of the church is clad in horizontal panels painted red. In 1914-15 the church was restored under the direction of the architect Kristian Rivertz, and the painted decoration was restored by Bjørn Kaland in 1964.

Vereide Church

The Vereide church is a Romanesque whitewashed stone church. The tower with a porch was built in 1879. The choir and sacristy were built in 1931. At that time, the flat ceiling of the nave was also replaced by the barrel-vaulted ceiling. The windows, which were originally no more than half their present height, were enlarged in 1861. Only the baptismal font, rediscovered in 1904, remains from the medieval inventory. The church was extensively restored in 1631 and the interior was coloured in 1962 by the curator Bjørn Kaland.