Sorrento Cathedral

The present Sorrento Cathedral was completed around the 11th century and consecrated on March 16, 1113, to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Apostles Philip and James. Over the years it has undergone considerable extensions, such as those commissioned by Bishop Domizio Falangola in 1450 and by Cardinal Francesco Remolines in 1505. After the invasion of the Turks in 1558, it was completely rebuilt in 1573, on the orders of Bishop Giulio Pavese, and took on its present Baroque appearance following work carried out in the early 18th century by Bishops Didaco Petra and Filippo Anastasio. The façade was completely rebuilt in 1924, in neo-gothic style, following a violent whirlwind that damaged the entire structure. In 1936 all the paintings inside the church were restored.