St Hans Church ruins

The ruins of St Hans are the remains of a 13th-century church. The church stood next to Saint Pers' Church.

About this building

Saint Hans was built around 1050 to substitute a pagan sacrificial place with a Christian temple. Together with Saint Clemens, this church was probably one of the first to be built in stone. St Hans was partially demolished in the 17th century, after the new taxation introduced by the Reformation.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

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St Pers Church ruins

The ruins of St Pers are the result of the destruction in the 17th century of the Saint Per's Church built around 1050. This church was right next to St. Hans, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the ruins of one from the other.

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St Catherine's Church

The ruin of St Catherine's Church was founded in 1233 by the Franciscan Order and built until the 15th century, but was never fully completed due to lack of money. The church was in the middle of the city and a market was created in front of the building.


St Lars Church ruins

St. Lars is a church in ruins in the town of Visby. The choir, which is the oldest part of the building, probably dates from the 12th century. The church has similarities with Russian sacred architecture.