St Mary Magdalene

Usually ranked among the very best parish churches of England, St Mary's dominates town and country with its immensely tall 14th century spire of Lioncolnshire limestone. The church was already destined for grandeur before the spire was built. The crossing, and the lower part of the tower, including the wonderful west doorway, date from a 13th century building phase. Records show that six oaks from Sherwood Forest were donated to the building by Henry III.

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St Michael

Rebuilt on the site of the medieval church, which was destroyed by a bomb on the night of 8th/9th May 1941, St Michael's is built of concrete with Ancaster stone facings outside. The tall windows allow the building to be filled with light. Unusually, there is no east window.

Glass Angel/Flickr

St Wulfram

St Wulfram's slender and graceful spire, distinctively flanked by its four spirelets, would very likely have been the tallest in England when it was built in 1280-1300, and it is still one of the most elegant.

Jules & Jenny/Flickr

St Andrew

Surrounded by its beautiful, historic and thousand year old churchyard, the ancient church lies in the centre of Cranwell village. It is one of the oldest in Lincolnshire.