St. Michael's Church

St. Michael's Church in Jõhvi is a fortress church first mentioned in connection with the Russian plundering expeditions in 1364. The church was built as a fortress church and surrounded by a moat. The church suffered several times from wars, at the beginning of the Livonian War in 1558 and during the Great Northern War in 1703. Subsequently, the church was given a baroque bell tower in 1728. The present neo-Gothic bell tower dates from 1875.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture

Visitors information

  • Café within 500m

Other nearby buildings

Wikimedia Commons/Metsavend

Lüganuse Church

The church of Lüganuse, dedicated to John the Baptist, was built in the middle of the 14th century. The first mention of the church dates back to 1373. The altar room and the tower were built later. The church suffered during the Russian-Swedish war in 1656 but remained intact during the Great Northern War. In 1901 the church was completely repaired and renovated.

Wikimedia Commons/MinuHiiumaa

Haljala Church

The Church of St. Mauritius is one of the most unique medieval churches in Virumaa County. The first wooden church was probably built here as early as 1220. The present church of Haljala was built according to the Villem Raam in three stages: the first, around 1430-1440, saw the completion of the choir and sacristy. A long building was constructed in the third quarter of the 15th century and a tower was completed at the end of the 15th century. The church suffered both at the outbreak of the Livonian War in 1558 and the Great Northern War in 1703. The church tower was also repeatedly set ablaze by thunder (1761, 1831).