St Peter ad Vincula Church, Ratley

St Peter ad Vincula Church in Ratley (Banbury) is known for its medieval architecture, particularly its medieval preaching cross and the four different window styles.

About this building

The church was constructed in the 13th century. However, the building was interrupted by the Black Death. The church's interior features highlight the Victorian re-ordering, under which encaustic tiles were added in the sanctuary, and alter rails, organ, and pews were installed. The medieval church also has a modern cover which was commissioned to commemorate the Millenium. In 2007, a modern icon of our patron saint was added.

Key Features

  • Monuments
  • Atmosphere / quiet space
  • Churchyard
  • Wildlife

Visitors information

  • Level access to the main areas
  • On street parking at the building

Other nearby buildings

Rex Harris/Flickr

All Saints

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Pauldecates/Wikimedia Commons

All Saints

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