St Stephen Walbrook

Nothing prepares you, as you climb the 13 steps up to St Stephen's, for the majestic space within. Because it was never intended to stand alone, the exterior is roughly finished. But inside, the dome is Wren's finest, based on his original design for St Paul's.

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St James Garlickhythe

The name of the church is derived from the word 'hythe', a Saxon word for a landing place or jetty. The stretch of river close by St James' was London's most important hythe since Saxon, or possibly Roman, times. Garlic, a vital preservative and medicine in the Middle Ages, was unloaded here and probably traded on Garlick Hill, where the church now stands.


St Mary Woolnoth

On Easter Day 1727 St Mary Woolnoth of the nativity was reopened after it's rebuilding by Nicholas Hawksmoor. It is the only church he built in the City of London. The rebuilding had taken 12 years, paid for from the proceeds of the tax on sea borne coal.