Synagogue in Colmar

The Synagogue in Colmar is an Ashkenazi synagogue completed in 1843. The synagogue has been restored in 1885 and 1913. This Neo-Classical stone building still serves as a synagogue.

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Other nearby buildings

Church of Saint Matthew, Colmar

This church is a former Franciscan church whose nave was built in 1292. The city became the owner of the Church in 1543. The Lutheran Reformation was introduced in Colmar in 1575 and the city made this church available to the “Protestants”: the first congregation was celebrated on the 15th May by Pastor Jean Cellarius.

Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Eguisheim

The archives of this church mention a parish church from 1128, built on an old Carolingian foundation and property of the Marmoutier convent. Part of the old Church collapsed on July 22, 1787 during an earthquake. It was therefore completely demolished in 1807, and rebuilt immediately. The new Church, without any particular style, was consecrated in 1809.

Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, Kayserberg

Built in the 13th century in the Romanesque style, the church houses in the choir a remarkable altarpiece in carved wood dating from 1518. In front of the entrance to the sanctuary, in Romanesque style, is one of the most beautiful public fountains in Alsace.