Terbantster Church

Star Church has been the new name for the Rotondekerk near Terband since June 2015. The church got its old name from the nearby former roundabout, before it became an interchange in 2000.
About this building
The Terbantster Tsjerke is located in the village of Terband, which lies north of Heerenveen, in the shadow of the intersecting motorways A7 and A32. Up until 2000 there was a roundabout here which is why the church was called 'Rotondekerk' for years. The church was built in 1843 to replace an older church from 1743. It is a so-called water management church designed by architect Thomas Romein from Leeuwarden. The church has a sandstone-colored plastered front and a turret. In 2003 the restoration of the Van Dam organ was completed. The Terbant Star is located at the Heerenveen traffic junction and has been used for Onderwegdiensten (On the way services) in the summer since 1968. From the A32 motorway, the church immediately stands out thanks to its light yellow colors and cheerful turret. The church is used for cultural activities in addition to mourning and wedding services.