Torvastad Church

Torvastad church is a wooden church that was built in 1880. The architect of the church is O. Vangberg.
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Torvastad church is a wooden church that was built in 1880. The architect of the church is O. Vangberg.
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The Rossabø church is a modernist church from 1972. The church is built of cast-in-place concrete and belongs to the style of brutalism. It is a 'working church', i.e. a church that, in addition to the parish hall, has other rooms related to the work of the congregation. These are, for example, the parish houses, the offices of the church employees.
The church of Avaldsnes is a stone church built in the second half of the 13th century. The mounds and monumental stones in the vicinity of the church date from the Roman Iron Age. The church had been in ruins since the 16th century and does not retain any of the medieval furniture. The first major restoration took place in the 1830s, and the church also received a lot of new furniture. The tower is a free reconstruction of the tower that was demolished in 1834, but it has the same base as the original tower.
The church in Norheim is a concrete church dating from 1978. The church was built due to a large influx of people to the island, where there was no church.