Catholic Church of Holy Trinity

2007 100th anniversary of the completion of construction and consecration (October 14/22, 1907) of Jurbarkas St. Trinity Church. The history of the Jurbarkas Catholic Church began in 1430, when the first wooden church was built by the care of Bishop Mikalojus DzieSgovicius. The oldest information about this church is found in Bishop Motiejus Valancius in 1848. published in "Samogitian, Diocese". The Catholic parish of Jurbarkas was formed a little later - in 1502. Queen Bonn ordered Deputy John to build a new church. To maintain her servants and school, Bona allocated 6 acres of land. There was also a rectory near the church. Jurbarkas school in 1557. founded by the pastor Martynas Hermanavicius.
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