Chapel Saint-Roch

The chapel Saint-Roch is located in Lesquerde, in Occitania. Originally dedicated to Saint Mary, the Romanesque chapel was erected in the 13th century. It received the new name of Saint-Roch in the fifteenth century; a dark period when plague epidemics followed one another. The chapel was abandoned in the nineteenth century, after the construction of a church in the center of the village, but celebrations in honour of St Roch continued to be held there until the 1970s.

About this building

The Chapel of Saint-Roch is located in Lesquerde, in Occitania. Originally dedicated to Saint Mary, the Romanesque chapel was erected in the 13th century. The Chapel was rededicated to Saint-Roch in the fifteenth century, during a dark period when plague epidemics followed one another.

Although the chapel was abandoned in the nineteenth century, after the construction of a church in the center of the village, it continued to host celebrations in honour of Saint Roch every year until the 1970’s.

The small church consists of a single nave covered with an arched vault. The lower part of the semicircular apse is hidden by a sacristy of the same form. A semicircular arch is located above the entrance door which is richly decorated with wrought iron hinges.

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Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

Church of Sainte-Eulalie

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