Chioggia Cathedral

Chioggia Cathedral dates back to the 12th century, after the transfer of the Episcopal see of Malamocco. It was destroyed by fire in 1623. The following year work began on the present cathedral, designed by Baldassare Longhena, who reversed the orientation of the medieval temple and built it with the façade facing the square.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture

Visitors information

  • Café within 500m

Other nearby buildings

Wikimedia Commons/Wolfgang Moroder

Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena delle Convertite

The Church of the Convertite was founded in the 16th century with an Augustinian convent, running an institute for the "Convertite", mostly former prostitutes. The converts learned to read, sew and weave, as well as recite psalms and devotions. The complex was abolished by Napoleonic decrees in 1806. A military prison was set up in the convent, which was later transformed by Francesco Giuseppe into a prison for women in 1837.

Wikimedia Commons/Didier Descouens

Basilica del Redentore

The Church of the Redeemer was designed and begun in 1577 by the architect Andrea Palladio and completed by Antonio da Ponte in 1592. The construction of the church followed the plague epidemic that struck Venice from 1575 onwards and decimated almost one in three Venetians. In September 1576, when the disease seemed unstoppable, the Senate asked for divine help by vowing to build a new church dedicated to Jesus the Redeemer. The Feast of the Redeemer is a festival held annually in Venice on the third Saturday and Sunday of July to commemorate the end of the great plague epidemic of 1575-1576.

Wikimedia Commons/Luca Aless

Chiesa dello Spirito Santo

The Church of the Holy Spirit was built from 1506 on the site of an Augustinian monastery founded in 1483. At the same time, next to the church and separated from it by Calle del Monastero, the building of the Scuola dello Spirito Santo was built, also with a façade overlooking the canal. The church is a branch of the Gesuati church, of which it is part of the parish.