Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo (Algarvia)

This temple is dedicated to the evocation of Our Lady of Amparo. The festivities of this church occur on the last weekend of July each year, in honor of the patron saint, Maestro Ernesto de Medeiros Araujo Borges, known as "Ernesto da Música". Açoriano from Algarvia composed the Hymn of Nossa Senhora do Amparo for the Estrela do Oriente Philharmonic, which was initially called Lira de Nossa Senhora do Amparo. Philharmonic located in front of the Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo in Algarvia.

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Portalegre Cathedral

Portalegre Cathedral was built at the request of Bishop Dom Julião de Alva when the Diocese of Portalegre was created. Designed by the architect Afonso Álvares, it was begun in 1556. Its last stone, closing of the vault, was laid in 1575.

© Jose Mario Pires, CC BY-SA 4.0

Convent of the Adorers

The Convent of St. Joseph, also known as the Convent of the Adorers, is a women's convent built in 1917 on the ruins of a hermitage dedicated to St. Joseph, dating from the 13th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, during the Peninsular War (1807-1814), the building was bombed and was practically abandoned until it was rebuilt in 1917.