Church of the Saviour of Real
Amarante, PT
The Church of Real is situated on a small hill in a secluded location. Built-in the first quarter of the 14th century, it falls into the category of late Romanesque, as shown by the main portal, with no tympanum, with columns headed by capitals deployed of voluminous sculpture. This is an adaptation of the influence of the Romanesque from the city of Porto may have arrived here through Travanca (Amarante) since the Church of Real belonged to the patronage of that Monastery. On the south side façade, one can still enjoy an arcosolium with sarcophagus, whose lid bears an engraved sword, which demonstrates the social status of those who are buried there. Close to this stands a bell tower clearly showing Romanesque traits. The 18th century and the Baroque changes have left deep marks in this Church. Large windows for lighting were opened, three aligned crosses were placed in the gables and the cressets in the corners of the nave. Furthermore, the variations at the level of the structure are also evidence that this building was modified enough throughout its history. Inside, even today, one may appreciate the consecration crosses, of Romanesque nature, pattée and inscribed in a circle. In 1938, Real was no longer a mother church.