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Korycin Jewish Cemetery

Korycin Jewish Cemetery

Korycin, PL

The cemetery’s establishment date is unknown. During World War II, by order of the German authorities, some tombstones were used to pave the roads. The cemetery fell into further disrepair in the post-war years. In the 1983 cemetery records, in the “User comments” section, the following is written: “Carrying out renovation works is not recommended. For economic reasons it is proposed to use the area as a pasture for cattle.” In 2016, the ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative fenced the cemetery.

Kos New Jewish Cemetery

Kos New Jewish Cemetery

Kos, GR

The exact period of the cemetery’s establishment is unknown, but it can be assumed that it emerged in the 20th century. The cemetery preserves 36 gravestones dating from 1914 to 1995.

Kosciul MB Nieustajacej Pomocy

Grajewo, PL

1 wrzesnia 1984 Dekretem ks. bp Juliusza Paetza zostal skierowany do Grajewa z obowiazkiem budowy nowego kosciola Ks. Stanislaw ??atwajtys. Ks. Stanislaw ??atwajtys urodzil si?? 6 maja 1945 r. w Brzozuwce, parafia Bargluw. Zostal wyswi??cony na kaplana 30 stycznia 1971 r. w ??omSy. Pracowal jako wikariusz w Troszynie, w Myszy??cu i w Katedrze w ??omSy. Jest czlonkiem Diecezjalnej Komisji Muzyki i Spiewu Koscielnego, czlonkiem Diecezjalnej Komisji Liturgicznej, a od 1985 r. czlonkiem Rady Kapla??skiej Diecezji ??omSy. W pismie skierowanym przez biskupa lomSy??skiego do Ks. Stanislawa ??atwajtysa czytamy: ???Wraz z nominacja na wikariusza parafii p.w. Trujcy Przenajswi??tszej w Grajewie, niniejszym zlecam Wielebnemu Ksi??dzu budow?? nowego kosciola w Grajewie i upowaSniam Go do podejmowania i zalatwiania wszystkich spraw z ta budowa zwiazanych. W szczegulnosci do obowiazkuw Ksi??dza naleSez b??dzie uzyskanie zezwolenia na budow?? (przez Kuri?? Diecezjalna), wybur wlasciwej lokalizacji, plany, zgromadzenie materialu i sama budowa. Prace te powinny isz w parze z organizacja samodzielnego osrodka duszpasterskiego, ktury w przyszlosci stalby si?? pelnoprawna parafia. [???] Skladam Ksi??dzu najlepsze Syczenia na t?? pionierska prac??, kturym towarzyszy moje pasterskie blogoslawie??stwo i modlitwa.

Kosciul pw. sw. Antoniego Padewskiego

Kosciul pw. sw. Antoniego Padewskiego

Pila, PL

The history of the parish is inextricably linked with the building of the church, the construction of which began on November 21, 1928 and was completed in 1930 on March 15. The building, designed by the German architect Hekkomer from Stuttgart, with its contemplative, catacomb-like interior and simplified, innovative architectural form, somewhat reminiscent of the early Romanesque style, refers to the avant-garde style of sacred architecture leading in the 1930s, slightly modeled on the early Romanesque style represented mainly by German builders . The originality and uniqueness of this project is enhanced by the unusual furnishings and decorations of the temple, mainly through the over seven-meter-high majestic figure of the crucified Christ, made by Berthold Muller Orinhausen from Berlin, and wall paintings depicting individual scenes of the Way of the Cross, created by the artist from Manheim, Willi Osler.

Kosciul Rzymskokatolicki Pw. sw. Anny

Radziluw, PL

St. Anna in Warsaw, for several centuries Bernardine, and now academic, is a significant and characteristic accent in the picturesque panorama of Warsaw. It is one of the oldest churches in Warsaw and one of the few, so to a large extent authentic, both in terms of the variety of stylish forms of the body itself, shaped over the course of almost six centuries of its existence, and the interior design. View of the church's body from the side of the Vistula, with a gothic apse, tightened with buttresses and a baroque gable from 1667.

Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque, Mostar

Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque, Mostar

Mostar, BA

Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque is a 17th century Ottoman mosque in Mostar. It is one of the most important mosques in the city and the most scenic as it stands on the bank of the Neretva River.

Kosljun Monastery

Kosljun Monastery

Krk, HR

It is a Franciscan located on the tiny island of Košljun, in the bay in front of Punat. The only inhabitants of the island are the monks of the monastery.

Kostel apostola Pavla

Jihlava, CZ

The church was repaired in 1894, in 1903 it received gas lighting, in 1913 it was modified to its current form. Further repairs came in 1928 (maintenance), at the end of the 1950s (facade and interior), 1975 dehumidification of walls and interior), 1995 (new facade), 1999 (new tower clock controlled by the signal of Central European time).

Kostel svateho Ignace z Loyoly

Jihlava, CZ

The Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola was originally built in Samuel Stubik's inn in Jihlava on Hluboka Street. It was used mainly due to the Swedish occupation, as the Jesuits could not afford a real church. Around 1670, however, the church fell into disrepair, so the Jesuits decided to build a new one, because services could no longer be held there. The construction of the new church was started in the years 1683 - 1689 by the Italian builder Jacopo Brascho, who was to develop a project and build the foundations of the chancel and sacristy under his own direction. The construction was financed by a doctor and a citizen of Jihlava, Petr Smilauer.

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