Heilige Clemens

The church was built in the years 1876-1878 according to plans by Joh. Kayser. The choir was replaced in 1935 by a transept and choir section in neo-Gothic style according to plans by Joseph Franssen. In the years 1972-1973 the church was restored and again in 2005-'06.

About this building


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Heilige Geest

Simple modern church with small bell tower. The church is located in a new residential area on the northwest side of the town of Brunssum, on the Florence Nightingalestraat. A community center was built against the church at the back. The church was dedicated to the Holy Spirit. The small tower, to the left of the church, was replaced at some point (when?) by the current one.

Onze Lieve Vrouw Onbevlekt Ontvangen

The current church was built in the years 1852-1856 to an early design by Carl Weber . The construction was made possible by a large financial contribution from Count Jean Baptiste Marchant d'Ansembourg, who in return received a count's chapel in the church reserved for his family and the right to be buried near the church. The new church replaced the old village church, which was dedicated to St. Gertrude. This church had existed since at least the 14th century.