Kerk Krewerd

A compact late-Roman hall church, in which the dome vaults with brick imitation stand out. The Gothic tower is 15th century. The church was originally dedicated to Mary. The construction of the church is connected with the Steenhuizerborg that stood at Krewerd.
About this building
The resident of the guarantor, the wealthy widow Tiadeke, made a promise when her son Menco was seriously ill. She promised that if her son would recover she would build a church. After the recovery of her son, she did not fulfill her promise, but when her son later died childless, she still ordered the church.
The church is closed for services. Occasional organ concerts are given. The church of Krewerd belongs to The largest Museum of the Netherlands, which gathers the most beautiful churches in the Netherlands, together one museum. The church of Krewerd is joined in Groningen with the churches of Midwolde, Middelstum and Pieterburen. It houses one of the oldest still playable organs of the Netherlands, from 1531. Other organs with the claim of oldest organ are Alkmaar, 1511, and Oosthuizen, 1521. The organ was restored in 1975 by Albert Hendrik de Graaf.