Kerk Oostum

The Church in Oostum is one of the most beautiful in the region, with many visitors who come just to admire the building

About this building

The church is largely from the 13th century. The narrow west tier and the transverse tower are about a century younger. The saddle roof of the tower comes from the 16th century.

The special sound bell, cast by Henrik Kokenbacker, was purchased for 100 carol guilders from the church of Feerwerd. The clock is richly decorated with images of the 7 apostles, Jesus on the cross and various biblical scenes. Through the use of differently colored roof tiles (monks and nuns), patterns are visible, such as a Greek cross and a Christ monogram. The Groningen artist group "De Ploeg" has also immortalized the church on the white screen several times.

Other nearby buildings

Simple white church with a black roof next to a graveyard.

Adorp Church

You'll end up in the baroque when you enter the 14th century church of Adorp, as a result of a renovation in the 17th century.

Church Garnwerd

On top of the mound of the old village 'Granawurth' lies this late Roman hall church. On the west side the church has a large, 18th century saddle roof tower that replaced an older tower.

Brick church with pointed roof turret

Klein Wetsinge Church

According to the brickwork, this beautiful church was built in 1840. The shape is neo-classical and of a sobriety that fits the landscape. The large wooden zinc roofed roof turret, which crowns the building, does not have the simplicity that characterizes the red brick base.