St Olofs Basilica ruins

The ruins of St. Olof's Basilica are the remains of a 13th-century church that began its decline after the Reformation.

About this building

The church was named after the Norwegian King Olaf II, honoured as a saint for being responsible for the expansion of Christianity in Scandinavia. He is also believed to have Christianised the island of Gotland.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

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St Clemens Church ruins

St. Clement's Church was built in the 13th century on a site that had been a place of worship since the 11th century. It was one of Visby's oldest and largest churches. The site, today in ruins, shares the features of other medieval churches of Gotland.


St Lars Church ruins

St. Lars is a church in ruins in the town of Visby. The choir, which is the oldest part of the building, probably dates from the 12th century. The church has similarities with Russian sacred architecture.