Saint-Quentin de Mathaux Church

The church of Saint-Quentin de Mathaux, built in 1761, is the last building in Champagne entirely made of wood. The bell tower surprises by the imposing mass of its structure entirely covered with wooden scales and surmounted by an astonishing bell tower.

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Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

Church of Saint-Parres

The Church of Saint-Parres church is located in Onjon, in the Champagne region. It was partially destroyed by fire in 1693 and then under reconstruction until 1740. The church is composed of a central nave and a choir built in the place of the fourth span. It has a statue of St. Parres and one of St. John, a high altar and sixteenth century baptismal font and stained glass windows.


Saint-Julien et Saint-Blaise church

The Saint-Julien et Saint-Blaise church, built at the end of the 15th century, replaces a chapel mentioned verbatim in 1140, and is the oldest wooden church in Champagne. The building has an imposing and slender spire and a large transept. Finally, the church has a remarkable carpentry work and houses several altarpieces and beautiful statues.

Par Gérard Janot — Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Saint-Jacques et Saint-Philippe church

The Saint-Jacques et Saint-Philippe church is one of the most beautiful wooden churches in Champagne. Its construction probably dates back to the first half of the 16th century. The most surprising feature is the continuous ceiling in panelling, beautifully decorated with diamond-shaped feet. The stained glass window in the central round window represents the donor and his wife. Dating from the 16th century, this stained glass window is the work of the Troyes glass painting workshops.