Râşnov Fortified Church

Nothing of the initial fortification systems of the church in the town of Râşnov has remained, since it was completely demolished in 1831. Today the assembly comprises an initial Romanesque basilica, which was rebuilt in Gothic style. In this regard, the aisles’ arcades were modified and the chancel was rebuilt. On the northern wall, fragments of mural paintings depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ are preserved. The tower was constructed in the Gothic phase. The interior furnishing with altar and organ originates in the 18th century and the flat ceiling was built in the 19th century.
High above the town, the villager’s fortress is to be found. Partially in ruins, partially rebuilt, the fortification is nowadays a famous tourist attraction. The oldest part was built in the 14th century, but the fortress, functioning as such well into the 18th century, was demolished and rebuilt several times. Next to the remains of a church, the assembly still preserves many fortification systems as well as several small chambers which today serve as souvenir shops and exhibition space.
About this building
For more information visit on this building visit https://kirchenburgen.org/en/location/rosenau-rasnov/