Ancient Cathedral of Saint Maurice, Mirepoix

The current building was built in 1298, and its construction spanned 6 centuries, although there were some interruptions. In 1317, the Church became cathedral, but problems of financing delayed the enlargement. It was in the 16th century that the biggest works are finally carried out, by clearing the building of the attached houses. The building was also embellished, and the bell tower and its 60m high spire were erected. In the 19th century, the building was restored by Viollet-le-Duc and Prosper MÈrimÈe. Currently, this building no longer has the title of cathedral; it has once again become a parish church.

About this building

This is an elongated building with an imposing bell tower pierced by two successive rows of bay windows with mullions. Flying buttresses frame the building, on each of the spans, also pierced with openings with rosettes.

Key Features

  • Architecture

Visitors information

  • Non-accessible toilets in the building

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Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

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Sauvegarde de l'Art Français
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