Church of St. Imre, Székesfehérvár

The church of St. Imre dates from the 13th century but the present building was built by the Franciscans between 1720 and 1743. In 1833, the tower next to the sanctuary was demolished and in 1866 a modern 52-metre-high bell tower was built, which currently has four bells.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture

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St. Anne's Chapel, Székesfehérvár

The St. Anne's Chapel, also known as the Hentel Chapel, is the only surviving Gothic monument in the city. It was built during the reign of King Matthias I (1464-1490), around 1474. The chapel, which functioned as a Muslim place of worship during the Turkish occupation, was restored between 1711 and 1729.

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Székesfehérvár Cathedral

St. Stephen's Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in Hungary and one of the coronation churches in Hungary, having been the coronation church of Bela in 1235. The cathedral was used as a mosque during the Turkish occupation. After the liberation of Hungary, the authorities decided to build a new church on the site, and the present Baroque building was erected from 1743 to 1771.