Church of Saint-Exupère

For a long time forgotten on cultural tours, the Saint-Exupère church in Toulouse has been experiencing a revival of interest in recent years. If only for its majestic organ or its 14-bell carillon, the fourth most important in the Pink City, whose 140th anniversary was celebrated in November 2017.
About this building
Built from 1620 as a chapel for the Discalced Carmelites, a religious order resulting from the Carmelite reform, it was inaugurated in 1623 by Jean-Louis de Bertier, Provost of Saint-Etienne, Bishop of Rieux under the name of Saint-Joseph. Its plan is attributed to the architect Didier Sansonnet. The statue of Saint-Joseph and the Child Jesus on the façade is the work of Gervais Drouet, 1658. The interior is decorated with 17th century gypseries, with canvases painted in the 17th and 18th centuries, the whole is classified as a historical monument.