Great Synagogue in Zbarazh

The Great Synagogue in Zbarazh is an Ashkenazi synagogue from the 16th century, rebuilt in the 18th century. This Baroque synagogue has been transformed into a factory.

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Source: European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative

Vyshhorodok Old Jewish Cemetery

The exact period of the cemetery’s establishment is unknown. According to the dates on preserved gravestones, it can be assumed that the cemetery already existed in the first part of the 18th century.
n March 16, 1942, the Jews of Vyshhorodok were isolated in the Vyshnivets ghetto. On August 11, 1942, all the prisoners were executed during the ghetto liquidation.

Wikimedia Commons/Шишко Олександр

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was originally a Dominican church that was built in the years 1749-1779 according to the design of August Moszyński. In 1945 it was closed by the communists, and from 1959 it was turned into a warehouse. Despite the efforts of the original owners - Roman Catholics - to recover it, it was handed over to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in 1989.