Slaviku Sv. Onos baznycia

This church was built in 1752 by the elder of Jurbarkas, Duke Mykolas Cartoriskis. It was a branch of Jurbarkas parish. In 1795 a parish was established. Its first pastor in 1795-1827 was the Dominican Rapolas Aleknavicius (who is buried in the cemetery). At the beginning of the 19th century, there was a parish school in the care of Bernardine priest Laurynas Tautkevicius. The current wooden church (consecrated by Bishop Povilas Strasinskis) and the rectory was built in 1858-1888 by Pastor Pranciskus Andriukaitis who helped booksellers distribute forbidden press. In 1906, a branch of the Siburis Society established a library in 1907.
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