
The St. Cornelius Church, as well as the surrounding cemetery and barrier wall has been protected as a special landscape by Royal Decree since 1942 and has been a monument since 1958.

About this building

On this site, the commemoration of the brutality of the Germans in 1914 is given a special place, personalized by pastor Dergent and his burial monument, and the buried war victims.

Other nearby buildings


The Collegiate Church of Our Lady of Aarschot, with a former cemetery and a 'traveling' organ. It is a church with a cemetery, an oasis of green at the beating heart of the city.

Brick church and white bell-tower

Sint-Martinus Church

The Sint-Martinus Church of Wezemaal is one of the most beautiful late medieval village churches of Flemish Brabant, with an unusually monumental west tower for a village church.