Timios Stavros Church

Timios Stavrou, built in the 14th century, is one of the painted churches of the Troodos World Heritage Site. Its interior is filled with frescoes from the Paleolian period (1261-1453).
Timios Stavrou, built in the 14th century, is one of the painted churches of the Troodos World Heritage Site. Its interior is filled with frescoes from the Paleolian period (1261-1453).
Little is known about the history of the mosque. According to the Bağişkan, it was built between 1897 and 1918, and the last major renovation took place in 2015. According to a plaque, the mosque is called Şevket Abdullah Camii.
Panagia tou Araka is one of the painted churches of the Troodos Mountains. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.
The village of Silikou basically consists of two core settlements. The smaller settlement is located about 400m from the larger one in a south-westerly direction. In the larger part, both the mosque and the Greek Orthodox church of Agios Georgios can be found. The mosque is located on the western edge of the village.