Evangelisch Lutherse Kerk

Evangelical Lutheran church building from 1696. In eclectic style built frontage with risalit from 1874, with risalit in which a relief in the shape of a swan, for the late 17th century (1696) hall church with gallery on three sides. The church has a richly carved pulpit 1696 with rear bulkhead and sounding board. Organ by Van Oeckelen, made in 1896.

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The Aa Church

The light that shines through the large windows of this high rising church emphasises the gothic structure inside.

Classical façade of the church in a modern and urban setting.

Remonstrantse Kerk

The Remonstrant church from 1883 was given a completely new destination in 2006. The church and outbuildings have since been widely used for meetings, trainings, conferences, workshops, concerts and lectures.