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St Michael & All Angels

St Michael & All Angels

Badminton, GB

The church is attached to the seat of the Dukes of Beaufort, Badminton House and was built in 1785 by Charles Evans, in the style of St Martin in the Fields in miniature, but with a plain west tower.

St Michael & All Angels

St Michael & All Angels

Brighton, GB

Known as the 'cathedral of the back streets', the church is famous for its magnificent stained glass windows; by William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones, Ford Madox-Brown, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Philip Webb, Kempe & Tower. Simon Jenkins, ‘England's Thousand Best Churches' places it within the foremost one hundred.

St Michael & All Angels

St Michael & All Angels

Ashton under Lyne, GB

It is thought that there was a church on this site before the Norman Conquest as the Domesday Book mentions a St Michael's Church in the east of the ancient parish of Manchester.

St Michael & All Angels

St Michael & All Angels

Waterford, GB

On the edge of the Goldings estate just north of Hertford. It was designed by Henry Woodyer and built 1871-72. The interior is a treasure house of Morris glass designed by a variety of preRaphaelite artists, Powell mosaics and some fine 20th century glass by Christopher Whall, Karl Parsons and Douglas Strachan.

St Michael & All Angels

St Michael & All Angels

Hawkshead, GB

A church has stood on this site, a small hill above Hawkshead, for over 800 years. The present church was built around 1490 (parts of the tower are older) and has been little changed since the late 16th century. Grade 1 listed, it is one of the finest examples of a late mediaeval, vernacular Lake District church. It has literary connections with Wordsworth and was also the home the home of Archbishop Sandys in the 16th century.

St Michael & St Mary Magdalene

St Michael & St Mary Magdalene

Easthampstead, GB

God has been worshipped on the site of the church for well over 1000 years. According to local tradition in AD 635 St Birinus, the first person to bring Christianity to the area, baptised Cyngils, King of the West Saxons, in the spring just west of the church.

St Michael Cornhill

St Michael Cornhill

City of London, GB

The church lies over the remains of the Basilica, the northern most part of the great Roman Forum built in the first century AD. It stands near to the site of a church founded by King Lucius in AD179, the oldest site of Christian worship in London. The name ‘Cornhill' is first mentioned in the 12th century, the ‘hill' indicating the rising ground, and ‘corn' derived from the corn market which was once held there.

St Michael Monastery

St Michael Monastery

Odesa, UA

St Michael Monastery is a female Orthodox Monastery founded in 1839 near Odesa's port. The church and surrounding buildings were rebuilt in the 1960s after being bombed in previous decades.

St Michael the Archangel

St Michael the Archangel

Kirkby in Malhamdale, GB

It is thought that the church originated no later than the 9th century, and possibly as early as the 7th century, although there is no mention of the church in the Domesday Book. By 1199 the advowson of the church was owned by West Dereham Abbey. The whole church was completely rebuilt in the 15th century and then restored in 1879-81.

St Michael the Archangel

St Michael the Archangel

Compton Martin, GB

The 12th century church is Grade I listed and also contains a number of important listed monuments in the church and churchyard.

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