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Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity

Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity

Ljubljana, SI

The Church of the Ursulines of the Holy Trinity was built between 1718 and 1726. The baroque building is the work of the architect Carlo Martinuzzi. The original facade consists of colossal three-quarter pillars, between which the wall with the windows is more or less deep. It is completed by a front modelled on the model of the Roman architect Borromini.

Us Haven

Sondel, NL

The Herv. Church, 1870 on older foundations, because of a 17th century pulpit and covered family pew. Single manual organ by Bakker & Timmenga from 1897. Bell frame with bell of an unknown founder. The bell is without inscription, 14th century, diam. 88.2 cm.

Uskedal Church

Uskedal Church

Kvinnherad, NO

The Uskedal church is a building from 1914, designed by Olaf Nordhagen. In 1964-65 the church was rebuilt according to Ole Halvorsen's plans. The church cemetery is older than the church. It was used in 1897 and had a bell tower.

Uspenski Cathedral

Uspenski Cathedral

Helsinki, FI

The Cathedral of the Assumption, or Uspenski Cathedral, is the cathedral of the Orthodox Diocese of Helsinki. It was built by order of Emperor Alexander II of Russia between 1862 and 1868. It was designed by the architect Alexis Gornostaiev (1808-1862), one of the founders of the Russian Revival architecture. The crypt hosts a variety of events, including exhibitions and lectures on ecclesiastical art and ecclesiastical artefacts.

Utenos Kristaus zengimo i dangu parapijos globos namai

Utena, LT

Meanwhile, the brick belfry was built in 1876. Correspondence on its construction has been in place since 1873. Landowners A. Balcevicius, F. Jaloveckis, C. Svionteckis built the bell tower at their own expense, estimated at 4580 rb .. During the First World War, 3 bells were transported to Russia, only two returned after the war.

Utne Church

Utne Church

Utne, NO

The Utne church, designed by Peter Blix, was inaugurated in 1895 and is marked by a neo-romanesque and national romantic architecture. The colours of the interior are the original 1895, but part of the church was repainted during a restoration in 1953. In the church, there is also a seventeenth-century painting depicting the martyrdom of John. It was donated to the church in 1990.

Utsira Church

Utsira Church

Utsira, NO

The church in Utsira is a small wooden church dating from 1785. It has a narrower chancel, a vestry extension behind the chancel and a rectangular tower with a gable roof over the porch. The sacristy and the tower with a porch were built in 1954.

Utstein Monastery Church

Utstein Monastery Church

Stavanger, NO

The Utstein Monastery Church has a rectangular nave and a choir of the same size, separated by a central tower. The foot of the tower has a portal to the south of the monastery courtyard and the nave has a western portal. The monastery complex is well preserved and was used as a stately residence after the Reformation. In the 1950s, the monastery complex was extensively restored.

Utvik Church

Utvik Church

Utvik, NO

The Utvik church is a half-timbered church with a narrower and lower choir to the east and a wide tower over the porch to the west. The church was built in 1842 according to the standard plans of the architect Linstow. The church is clad with a white-painted supanel and has Gothic Revival style windows. The church received a new sacristy on the north side of the choir in 1902.

Uvac Monastery

Uvac Monastery

Stublo, RS

The monastery of Uvac dates back to the Middle Ages and was built in the 12th and 13th centuries; according to tradition, we owe its foundation to the dynasty of Nemanjić. The monastery had its heyday in the first half of the 17th century, receiving many visitors and high dignitaries of the Serbian Orthodox Church; however, it was completely destroyed in 1698. After three centuries of abandonment, in 1994 the decision was taken to rebuild the monastery, under the direction of the National Museum in Užice and with the help of the state.

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