De Levensbron
Goes, NL
Modern church without tower.
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Goes, NL
Modern church without tower.
Nijverdal, NL
Reconstruction church without tower. Built as Reformed Church, with the name Rehoboth. Since 1975 Reformed Church (Liberated), with the name "De Levensbron". Expansion 1998. Merged with the congregation that attended church in the church building Het Kruispunt. Since 2023 NGK.
Rouveen, NL
Modern church. Built as Reformed Church (Liberated), after merger in 2023 NGK. The church (1964, ir. P. Bügel) was expanded from spring 2003 and officially put back into use on 25 June 2004. Among other things, side rooms and a new hall were added, while the church hall was also redesigned. The church has also been given a name: De Levensbron. (52-04)
Hardenberg, NL
Large, sober, modern church with tower. Built as the Reformed Church (Liberated), after the merger in 2023 NGK.
Rilland-Bath, NL
The current Protestant church was built as a Reformed church in 1958. Architectural firm Rothuizen en 't Hooft provided the design. It is now the PKN church De Levensbron. Renovated in 2002.
Dronten, NL
Modern church without tower, built as Reformed Church (Liberated). Since merger in 2023 NGK.
Houten, NL
Interesting modern church without a tower.
Almere-Stad, NL
The Lichtboog in Almere Stad is an ecumenical church building, containing a Roman Catholic church. parish (St. Martinus) and the Protestant Church of the Netherlands have their home. This complex has a tower, the second church tower in Almere. De Lichtboog was completed in 1984 and is located on the edge of the shopping center of Almere Stad. This makes it a real "city church"; allowing armored glass to leave windows intact in an otherwise open building. In the design of this multifunctional church building, the Lichtboog can also be used as a meeting room.
Lelystad, NL
Modern church building without tower. Year Event 1952 Rev. J. van Raalte of Harderwijk takes on the spiritual work of the church members on the work island Lelystad-Haven. 1955 A family from our churches settles at Roggebotsluis in Eastern Flevoland. 1958 Three reformed families settle in the new polder. 1960 The number of families grows to six. 1962 On May 4, the Reformed Church of Eastern Flevoland is instituted. Rev. H. Stolk of Blokzijl accepts the call to the polder. With 6 families (38 members), church services are held in a barrack of the Dronten work camp. 1963 Church services are held in the auditorium of the public school “De Ducdalf” in Dronten and soon after in the auditorium of the Chr. School “Het Kompas” in Dronten. 1966 In the meantime, the church has 60 families and it is decided to build a church. 1967 On January 4, the first pile for the “Ichtuskerk” is driven, which is put into use on November 17. 1968 The church has 85 families. 1968 On November 20, 1968, br. J. Haaksema, as an elder, calls on the congregation to continue to support him and to meet for church services in another building. Seventeen families (86 members) respond to this, while 68 families withdraw from the church association.
Amersfoort, NL
Interesting modern church. Built as Reformed Church (liberated), after merger in 2023 NGK.
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