Hejdeby Church

Hejdeby Church is one of 92 medieval churches on the island of Gotland.

About this building

The chancel, the apse and the nave are the oldest parts of the church, built in the 12th century in a late-Romanesque style. The tower was built in different a phase, in the 13th century and presents Gothic features. The portal is similar to that of the Roma Monastery built by the Cistercian monks.

The interior has preserved two sets of medieval wall paintings, the oldest one from the 13th century depicting the apostles and Mary, and the second one from the 15th century depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ. Among its furniture are noteworthy the medieval rood cross and baptismal font from the 13th century and a medieval wooden bench.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Atmosphere / quiet space
  • Churchyard

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