Hyncheshti Jewish Cemetery

Hyncheshti Jewish Cemetery is a well-maintained Jewish cemetery with around 500 gravestones. The oldest tombstone dates from 1868 and the most recent from 1992. It was fenced by ESJF in December 2020

About this building

For more information on this site visit: https://www.esjf-cemeteries.org/fenced/hyncheshti-jewish-cemetery-2/

Other nearby buildings

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Nativity Cathedral

The Cathedral of the Nativity is a neoclassical Orthodox church built between 1826 and 1836. During the Second World War, the cathedral was bombed by the Soviets and Germans. After the war, under the rule of the USSR, the cathedral was transformed into an exhibition hall and the outer bell tower was demolished. The temple was rebuilt in 1997, six years after Moldova's independence, and the cathedral was reopened and consecrated a second time.