Church Godlinze
The church began as a tufa building around 1100. A few decades later, the church was extended to the west. A brick expansion followed in the 13th century. The five-sided chorus was added in the 14th century. The tower has also took shape in stages. It was built in 1200, raised in 1554 and restored in 1714 and 1885.
About this building
The pointed arch windows come from the 16th century. The church has beautiful paintings: on the melon vault pictures of animals, Bible stories and saints with their attributes: like Catharina with the wheel, and Pancratius with his sword. The church is used as a wedding location, and the reception can also take place in the church. There are a maximum of 150 seats. The Patron Saint is Pancrus, a Roman who was martyred for his Christian faith at a young age. The organ was made by Arp Schnitger to a specification made in January 1704, and the wood carving is attributed to Jan de Rijk.