Lead Mosque

Also known as the Izgurli Mosque, it was founded in the 16th century. The dome of the mosque is covered with lead coat, hence the nickname.
About this building
Also known as the Izgurli Mosque, it was founded in the 16th century. The dome of the mosque is covered with lead coat, hence the nickname.
One of the main mosques in the city of Berat, it is part of the Islamic Center complex and was built by Sultan Bayezid II in the late 15th century . It consists of the prayer hall, the porch and the minaret. In the prayer hall the massively painted ceiling, the mihrab on the end wall and the pulpit on the right side form a decorative structure. In the center of the ceiling are rosettes with inscriptions of various Qur'anic sayings. A frieze below the ceiling contains 99 beautiful names of Allah.
This mosque built in 1928 was formerly known as the Sylejman Pasha Mosque. It is listed as a culutral heritage site of Albania. Its frescoes on the interior also date from the 1920s.
The mosque is located just outside the citadel within the Berat Castle. The basic dimensions were 9.9 to 9.1 meters and had a wooden roof. It was built with red bricks and limestone, hence the name.