Sebastiaan Church

The exterior of the church, with its rounded construction and curves is mainly romance. The interior is late-Roman, with dome vaults and brick imitation. The 13th century church was built during the transitional period from Romanesque to Late Romanesque.

About this building

On the vaults are images of Christ, Catherine with the wheel, Sebastian (the third-century martyr to which the church is named) and Mary with child. These paintings have been hidden for ages under a layer of lime, and have reappeared after restorations.

The current owner of the church, the Protestant municipality of Bierum-Holwierde-Krewerd, regularly uses the church buildings and hopes to continue doing so in the future. Furthermore, the buildings are also used as mourning and wedding location.

Other nearby buildings


Now a church building of the Protestant Community of Bierum, Holwierde and Krewerd. A straight-closed hall church with round-arched windows and a roof turret, divided by lesenes, built in 1890 by contractor Scheltens. The partly open roof turret was renovated in 1971. The interior was radically changed in 1987 to a design by architect JA Jongman.

White church with black roof in a park

Andreas Church

On top of the characteristic circular village vault is the originally late Roman Andreas church. The current building was rebuilt in 1676 after the old church was largely destroyed by fire a few years earlier.

Brick church in a park

Losdorp Church

The small hall church probably dates from the 13th century, but was thoroughly renovated in 1775. A large memorial stone reminds us of this above the entrance of the tower. The stained glass windows were placed in 1937.