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St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Põlva, EE

St. Mary's Church was originally built in 1460-1470 and enlarged in 1841-1845. In the church, there is an altarpiece from 1845 by Friedrich Ludwig von Maydell. The organ was built by Willhelm Müllverstedt in 1833. The church bell was cast in 1868 in Bochum, Germany. According to legend, a young girl named Mary was walled up in the church.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Rostock, DE

First mentioned in a document in 1232, the construction of today's St. Mary's Church began around 1290 and was completed in the mid-15th century. St. Mary's is a major work of the North German brick Gothic style.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Sastamala, FI

St. Mary's Church is a stone church built at the end of the 15th century. The barrel-vaulted church hall has a rare painted floor. The church has not held regular services since 1913, but it is used as a "road church" in Finland during the summer and baptism and consecration services are held there occasionally. The Sastamala Gregoriana is an annual musical event held in the church.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Stralsund, DE

St. Mary's Church, built in the 13th century, is considered a late Gothic masterpiece in Central Europe. Built on the model of the Marienkirche in Lübeck, it was from 1549 to 1647 (the date on which its gothic spire fell), supposedly the highest structure in the world. Very little of the original rich interior remains, the iconoclastic period of the Reformation and a great city fire in 1647 destroyed almost all inventory.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Sønderborg, DK

St. Mary's Church was built around 1600 after the demolition of St. Jørgen's Church. The tower, however, is a later addition completed in 1883. The church's furniture is marked by the taste of Duke John the Younger (1564 - 1622) for the Renaissance style.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Tartu, EE

St. Mary's Church is a Lutheran church that was built in 1842. The church burned down during the Second World War in 1941. After the war, it was rebuilt to become a gymnasium of the Estonian Agricultural Academy. In 2009, the building was returned to the congregation of St. Mary of Tartu, who started to restore the church to its old exterior but with a new interior.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Trakai, LT

The Basilica of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, or simply the Church of St. Mary, was first built in 1409 under Vytautas the Great. The original Gothic style of the church derives from this first construction. The visible Baroque features came with later reconstructions in the 18th century, initiated after the church was damaged by the Great Northern War.

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Turku, FI

St. Mary's Church is a medieval stone church that would date back to the mid 15th century, probably to the 1440s. However, there have been several wooden churches in the parish, the oldest of which were built as early as the beginning of the 13th century. The walls and vaults of the church bear medieval paintings which, according to the historian Markus Hiekkanen, were painted by the church builders themselves.

St. Matthew Church

St. Matthew Church

Wrocław, PL

St. Matthew Church is a Gothic brick church dating from the 13th century. First a Knights of the Cross monastery with a red star, it became an auxiliary parish church in the 19th century. Restored in the years 1895-1896, damaged during the battles of 1945, the church was neglected for a long time. It was finally rebuilt in the years 1961-1966.

St. Matthew's Church

St. Matthew's Church

Ingolstadt, DE

St. Matthew's Church was built in 1845 and is the first Protestant parish church in Ingolstadt. It was built in the neo-Gothic brick style, but a recent renovation has given the church a modern interior. However, the French Baroque organ which embellishes the interior has not been touched.

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