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Hoogezand, NL

Reformed Church. Simple hall building from 1669 under high hipped roof. Framed round-arched closed entrances, round-arched windows; the walls supported by buttresses. In the church carved pulpit from 1726, 18th century, so-called Council bench and covered gentlemen's bench; other benches mostly also 18th century. 18th century copper wall arms.


Middelstum, NL

Interesting modern church without a tower.

Daneş Fortified Church

Daneş Fortified Church

Daneș, RO

The small tower-less late Gothic church in Daneş was built in 1506. The tower was much later erected in 1927, as well as its defence levels, probably as a sign of self-assertion towards the 1918 new Romanian state and as a symbol for the 800 years of Saxon history in Transylvania. From the original defence wall only a few remains on the south side and a gate tower with a small watchtower are still preserved. The inner furniture dates back to different time periods: the baptismal font and the pulpit are Baroque, the altar is from 1878 and the organ from 1920. The vault covering the church’s hall was built in 1868.

Danylovo Jewish Cemetery

Danylovo Jewish Cemetery

Danylovo, UA

The Jewish cemetery in Danylovo was first marked on a cadastral map of 1865. Presumably, it was established in the mid-19th century. The fence was installed by ESJF in September 2015.

Dar Alhijra Moskee

Rotterdam, NL

Church building with houses around it. The church building was built by order of the Christian Reformed Church that was instituted in 1926 after a split in the municipality of Rotterdam center. The name of the municipality changed to Christian Reformed Church. The last service was held on January 12, 1969. The municipality then transferred to the Reformed Church on the Mijnsherenplein , with whom it had been working together for some time. After the sale of the church building, it was first used by a furniture dealer. Later a mosque was built. The organ was sold in 1967 to a Reformed church in Ridderkerk.

Dar es Salaam Moskee

Haarlem, NL

Moroccan mosque Dar As Salaam, in the southeastern district of Schalkwijk.


Delft, NL

Built as a "Darbi Church" (Assembly of Believers).

Dârlos Fortified Church

Dârlos Fortified Church

Dârlos, RO

The small aisle-less church without tower from the 15th century is almost entirely preserved. The chancel was rebuilt in 1500 and the ceiling of the nave dates back to a construction phase from the 19th century. Nothing from the initial defense wall has remained. The importance of the church is given by its mural paintings and constructive details. Painting remains can bee still seen on the western funnel-shaped portal, which features a fine crafted profile. The chancel is richly decorated with figures sculptured in stone placed on the consoles of the ribs. Tracery, the portal of the sacristy, the tabernacle and the sedilia are particularly valuable as well. Conservation works have been carried out in order to preserve the ample paintings in the chancel, representing biblical scenes. The mural paintings on the exterior walls of the chancel are a unique testimony of the past: depictions of the Passions of Christ resemble the mural paintings on the monasteries in Moldavia from the beginning of the 16th century.

Darul Barakaat Mosque

Darul Barakaat Mosque

Birmingham, GB

Darul Barakaat Mosque is a Muslim place of worship run by the Ahmadiyya Community in Bordesley, Birmingham. It was inaugurated in 2004 by the leader of the Ahmadiyya Community, Mirza Masroor Ahmad.

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