Heilige Adelbertus
Delft, NL
Modern church in expansion district of Delft.
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Delft, NL
Modern church in expansion district of Delft.
Spaarndam, NL
Late neo-Gothic church
Haarlem, NL
Large, iconic church with a double tower front and 2 important organs. Originally built for the new Roman Catholic parish of St. Liduina in Haarlem-Noord. Large interbellum church, which replaced an earlier emergency church. A high tower was to have been built to the right of the choir. This was not built, except for the substructure. The lower towers on either side of the front facade were built later. Characteristic work in the oeuvre of Jos Margry. The church is a large, three-aisled cruciform basilica with a straight, closed choir in mainly late neo-Gothic forms. The wide nave and transept, designed according to the concept of the people's church, are covered by net vaults. This church contains an extremely important series of stained glass windows, some of which date from the construction period. In the second half of the 1990s, the St. Adelbertus parish was formed in the southern part of Haarlem-Noord, as a merger of three parishes: HH Elisabeth and Barbara, H. Hart van Jezus, and St. Liduina. The first two churches were then decommissioned and have since been repurposed (built-in apartments); the St. Liduina church has been called the St. Adelbertus church since this merger. At that time, the church was also extensively renovated, including the installation of a meeting room. Not everyone was/is happy with this renovation. After the closure and demolition of the HH Petrus en Paulus (1993-1994) and the closure of the OL Vrouw van Zeven Sorrows (Mariakerk, 2021), the northern part of Haarlem-Noord also depends on the St. Adelbertus church.
Naaldwijk, NL
Large, monumental, late neo-Gothic church with a high tower. This church is listed as a National Monument of the Netherlands.
Langeraar, NL
In 1902 consecrated St. Adrianus church, situated on a forecourt, in early Gothic style designed by JL Meester and J. Scheepens. In the northeast, against the choir of the church, is the sacristy.
Lisse, NL
Iconic late neo-Gothic church with an initially 75 m high tower. Replaced the old church from 1842. New spire from 1930 designed by Joseph Cuypers (1861 - 1949), replacing the original spire (see below). The tower has since been several metres lower than before. The crossing tower was also replaced at that time; the current tower has also become lower. Pastor Klekamp immediately started building: the St. Agatha monastery and the girls' school in 1901. In April 1902, construction of the new St. Agatha church began. The money for the new church had to be raised bit by bit by the farmers and bulb growers by grazing lambs in front of the church and by holding flower bulb auctions. This story is depicted at the top of the nave of the church. On 7 August 1903, the church was consecrated by Mgr. Van de Wetering, Archbishop of Utrecht. The construction of the church and the rectory cost a total of f. 165,566. But the construction continued: the boys' school was also built in 1905 and the "Piusgesticht" in 1909. When in 1930 the spire, which at 75 metres is the highest in the area, proved to be unstable, it had to be replaced; this cost the parish Hfl. 30,594. The Stations of the Cross, which were donated by various parishioners between 1903 and 1911, were painted by Jan Dunselman in Amsterdam. On 15 August 1914 the new organ was inaugurated, precisely on the 40th anniversary of the priesthood of Pastor Klekamp, who died in 1915. He was succeeded by Pastor Thomann, an exceptionally good man. In 1923 the church received the beautiful copper chandeliers made in the studio of Brom in Utrecht, and in 1924 the beautiful pulpit that still adorns our church. The statue of St. Agatha, the patron saint of our church, was donated in 1925. In ancient times she was one of the most famous saints from around the year 250. She had dedicated her life to Christ and could not be dissuaded from this, despite the terrible tortures she had to endure. Every year we commemorate her on February 5, the day of her death. A relic of hers is kept in the beautiful reliquary, with the unicorn as a symbol of chastity.
Boekel, NL
For centuries, Saint Agatha has been associated with Boekel. In 1358, a chapel was founded that bore her name. Boekel was not yet an independent parish at that time, but fell under the parish of St. Peter in Uden. In 1627, the chapel was granted some pastoral rights and in 1677, Joannes de Goeij became the first real pastor of the independent parish of Boekel. In 1766, the medieval chapel, which had since been elevated to a parish church, was significantly expanded due to the growing number of inhabitants. Around 1830, the number of inhabitants of Boekel had increased to such an extent that expanding the church at that time would no longer be sufficient: a completely new church was built. On 6 August 1832, Dean A. van Vugt blessed the new church. On 11 October 1915, appointed pastor Josephus de Raad arrived in Boekel and seemed to have had tears in his eyes when he saw his future church. By using damp and wrong material during the construction of the water board church, it began to subside and crack, so that repair would cost more than perhaps a new church. At the end of March 1916, Tilburg architect CF van Hoof received a gratuity for drawings and travel expenses. At the same time, architect J. Franssen from Roermond was commissioned to draw up specifications for a new church with a rectory.
Eys, NL
Roman Catholic Church; single-nave building with narrower choir and west tower, built in 1734 by JC Schlaun; restored in 1934-'35 and enlarged with low transepts. Main altar with painting of Christ in Gethsemane, two side altars and pulpit, 18th century, confessionals, 1752, two choir stalls 18th century A-19th century A, organ gallery and front, 19th century, organ with main work and positif, made in 1843 by the Gebr. Muller from Reifferscheidt (Germany); baptismal font, 16th century. Stone grave cross, 1679. Bell frame with chime consisting of a bell by JT van Hoei, 1720, diam. 81 cm and two modern bells. Mechanical tower clock, B. Eijsbouts, ca. 1923.
Beverwijk, NL
The St. Agatha Church is a Roman Catholic church in the center of Beverwijk in the Dutch province of North Holland. The church was designed by Joseph and Pierre Cuypers Jr. and was completed in 1924.
Amsterdam, NL
Parish founded in 1919, as a result of the increase in the number of Catholics in the Willemspark neighbourhood under construction and the northwestern part of the original Plan Zuid by architect Berlage. Construction of the nave 1920-'21; tower, transept, choir, rectory and sexton's house 1930-'32.
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